Here We Go Again

I’m here again. Dark place empty space
Smiling and a fake face.
Good great facade to save me from the questions I refuse to hear.
Are you Okay? And the advice that comes after.
I feel the rhythm in my chest dance differently
A new song
A sound I dreadand feel it coming
I know I will be dead.
I know that if I am deaf to the calling of my lungs starving for air and the tightening of my chest
Sleep won’t come easy
And my waking will make me wish for death.
I know this dark place and this sensation as it creeps upon my bed
As it infiltrates the sacredness of my thoughts.
I know this darkness as it seeps into my feet and devours every blood cell, hoping in the travels of my blood it makes it to my heart.
And so it does.
And as I will the strength to fight it,
Hot tears burn my cheeks and I gasp for air as one would in the ocean when they can’t swim.
It’s like I see the shore and I sense the help but it isn’t enough. It never is.
And I hear the dark infused blood cells applaud me as I give in.
As my lungs are injected with the poisons of inadequacy, my limbs become jelly and cold.
So I sink into bed, heavy hearted,
Craving an ear to listen and a hug to melt into.
I resort to profound cussing
In the hopes to bleed it out.

But I can’t.

So I pull it the blades and start on my thighs.
Cutting one line after the other, praying that this pain will “out-pain” the inability to be enough.

Four lines on the left,

Four lines on the right.

I bring up the blade and four centimeters from my wrist, on my forearm

I begin to cut. And cut. And cut.

And somehow in the literal bleeding,
I find that the darkness leaves in the form of the red in my blood.
My heart dances to save me,
My chest in a familiar rhythm and I might have saved me.

But this dark place
A saving, a fake face
And questions I refuse to embrace.

To Heal, Or Not To Heal?

When do I qualify to say that I have truly healed? Is it when I laugh more than I have cried? Is it when the pain does not inspire me anymore? Is it when the songs that used to be ours don’t make me cringe or quickly change the song; is it when I have stopped cussing at the song and sing along instead?

When? When do I say that I have truly healed? Is it when I can accept that I am beautiful without your consent? Is it when I don’t replay the horrible way I felt when I was with you? Is it when my monologue goes from pessimistic to optimistic? Or is it when I can allow myself to fall in love again?

When do I qualify to say that I am healed? Is it when the scar on my heart does not hurt anymore and I look at it more lovingly than I would look at it like regret? Is it when I am grateful for your experience instead of the seemingly never ending “why did I even do that?!” Or is it when I can genuinely be happy without a care in the world? When, when do I say that I have truly healed?

I ask this because I am great, I am well and I sure as hell know I am beautiful as… beautiful can be (gaaaah that sounds weird leaving my fingertips!) but every now and then someone says something that triggers this thing inside of me and the wound, while healing, starts bleeding again. Not as bad as it used to, but it still does. Does that mean I have not healed fully? Will I ever? Does this ever go away, or do I learn to carry on, wounds and all?

When do I qualify to say that I have truly healed?

It’s A Friday Night

do you ignore the pain you caused?

Or do you really want to apologize and let this go?

do you understand the flaws in the thing you ask of me?

Or do you sincerely mean all that you say?

You wounded me. Knife, bullets, fire, acid burns, and hits to the chest, one after another. You climbed into my heart, dove to the deepest trenches that were closed off, and then inflicted pain all in one shake. You left me to wither and to find healing in the blinding pain, the deafening darkness. I tore myself to shred trying to patch the bits of my heart that were bleeding out. It felt like lava. It burned. And I wondered how something that makes me, me, could burn me. But it was you. You burned me.

So do you really care for my feelings? Or are we going to solve your issues at the cost of my feelings; my wounds; my healing?
